Interior Design Trend Report 2022: What’s Hot Right Now?
Posted - 01.04.22

We’ve put together our 2022 Interior Trend Report asking the big questions in the wake of Covid and the dawn of new ways of living and working. So, what’s the word on home and living trends?
The top trends you’ll read about in this edition are:
- Ahead of the curve
- Houseplant power
- Loving lavender
- Room to escape
- Cooking in colour
- Stuck on sustainability
Here are our top three home and interior trends…

Ahead of the curve
Curve’s the word according to style-setters around the globe. Post-pandemic, people want comfort from their spaces, something curves give us in rounds. So, from curved archways and windows in architecture, to rounded mirrors and couches, curves are making their impact on the interiors sector.

Houseplant power
Green fingered millennials have leveled up, turning the once humble houseplant into biophilic architecture. Think plant walls, living staircases and balcony Edens. Plants create calming environments, increase clean air in homes and bring a connection with nature.

Lovin’ Lavender
If you’ve seen Pantone’s Colour of the Year, this one won’t be a surprise. Digital Lavender is setting the mood for 2022 and beyond. As mental health stays firmly in the 2022 driver’s seat, colours with a shorter wavelength will be riding shotgun. Its sensorial quality makes it ideal for self-care and wellness products.
Want more interior design trends insights?
We’re always on-hand to help you implement any of the 2022 trends into your content, creative, photography and beyond. Check out how we revived Homebase with stunning brand assets and content creation. Explore our services page for more info and get in touch here.